About Us

For over 2 decades I have strived to stay away from soda, dyes and artificial additives as much as possible for myself and my children. More recently I’ve become aware of many more non-healthy items being put in nearly all of our food sources and again adjusted our lives to eat more naturally buying food with less additives, purchasing local animal products raised humanely and desiring to grow our own vegetables. We increased our recycling and tried to reduce our utilities, but still felt like we weren’t making much of a difference in the world to lessen the impact of humanity. We wanted to do more, and thus the idea of homesteading started our family adventure. We sold our home and after 2 very long rollercoaster years working out the details, we finally bought land, built a recreation center and started Changing Tomorrow Farm.
We hope to inspire your children to enjoy a deeper appreciation for all life on earth through horticulture, livestock and environmental education and healthful living.
About US:

Our First Full Summer with Staff 2017
Thank you for a wonderful summer !
Standing Left: Kae Bergene
Back Left: Michael King & Nancy O'Donnell
Sitting Left to Right: Troi Davis, Ross Harris & Lexi Baird
Front Center: Kathleen O'Rielly
Right Standing: Nicole Baker

I grew up in Maryland/N. Virginia, went to college in Michigan, and have spent the last 23 years in the triangle area. I am a registered nurse; and after spending 10 years working at a local hospital I moved into the pharmaceutical industry. I have 3 wonderful grown children, 2 beautiful grandchildren and a wealth of supportive family and friends who kept the pressure on when I thought I would never get this to work.
I have very fond memories of being outside all day, playing in creeks, looking for reptiles and insects, building forts in the woods, climbing trees, playing in rain showers, riding my big wheel or bike and staying out until my mom called me home for dinner or when it was dark. I would frequently come home filthy and all scratched up from briars. I still love being outdoors camping, hiking & gardening, but what I really enjoy is just listening the sound of birds singing, or the silence of snow falling in the woods and the smell of rain and feeling a stormy breeze. I think inspiration is contagious and would like to share that love of all of the amazing wonders of this earth with your children.
I also grew up in Maryland in a small town before going to college on the Eastern Shore and then moving to Boston and Manhattan while working in the music industry. I didn’t have the honor of meeting Julie until I moved to North Carolina just over a decade ago, and it has been a whirlwind ever since. In the spring of 2013, we built a new house that I thought would be our forever home with room for Children and Grandchildren. About 6 months after moving in, Julie said she wanted to have some Chickens and Goats. This didn’t really match-up to the rules and regulations of our quaint little subdivision. That’s when Julie’s wheels started turning and she masterminded this amazing farm idea. I also love nature and I strive to treat all people with respect and kindness. I love animals of all sizes and can’t wait to have oodles of them running all around. I look forward to learning with your children about how to grow things, care for animals and help each other to become great citizens of the world.